What Are Other Ways to Combat Anxiety And Depression Other Than?

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What are other ways to combat anxiety and depression other than therapy (for those who can’t afford it)?

There you go!! Take the bull by the horns. Start collecting information. Can you cure it? Who knows but Drs don’t always succeed either. But I bet you can make inroads. Start with simple things. Look at the p[people you’re around. How many are positive types. You gotta have them. If you don’t have then, search them out. Possibly find them ina group setting. Yeah, I know that may be hard to do, getting involved with a group right at first. But t don’t know your problem so try to fake it until you make it. If you luck out and find happy people right off the bat —- mHooray!! Bet you’ve noticed triggers that bring you down. Maybe you’ve been brought up to never say “no.” It’s not a big word so give it a try. You’ll probably upset some people but change always upsets someone. May as well be them for a change. Diet can make a huge change. Sugar and simple carbs will make your blood suger go all crazy. Do you feel fine after a milk shake but down an hour later? Besides eating healthy has tons of benefits. Weight loss will be slow but that’s just one of the benefits but it does make you feel better most times. Nothing like feeling in control. And suppose your body is just lacking in certain chemicals and it’s not your fault. How cool would that be!! Your gut bacteria makes most of your feel good chemicals that your brain uses to get happy and calm. And Boy are3 most of our guts in a mess. Mostly from our diet. Check out serotonin and dopamine. This will lead to neurotransmitters. Cheap and can be bought from Wal Mart on line. Have found no bad side effects and I’ve tried many. Have settled on 2 that keep me functional anyhow. Do you geet the idea that just doing many things a little differently can bring big changes? Bak to the neurotransmitters. Every one I’ve tried helped. Just keep experimenting until you find which helps you the most. that’s what Doctors do and their stuff isn’t quite so beguine. there are many god books out now to read and written in lay mans terms also. Make it a hobby to get better. It will bring hope and what a great start that is. Start today. The library is waiting for you!

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